Urban rail transit gangway
North Lake crossing

North Lake crossing

  • 产品参数
Min. S curve radius min. S curve radius 150m min. curve radius (vertical) 1000m min. curve radius (horizontal) 150m max. line gradient & nbsp; Min. gateway width1430mm (680mm) min. gateway height 1950mm high floor and 2255mm low floor
Straight path of S curve 10m coupler stretch 0mm articulated vehicle coupler compression 0mm articulated vehicle
The weight of the windshield is 201kg for the weight module car (without the stepping board), and 230kg for the unit car (including the stepping board)
Fire and smoke standarddin5510-2 noise attenuation levels noise ≥ 16dB
Heat transfer coefficient & nbsp; < 6.0 W/(m2.K)

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