High speed train windshield
200 km EMU windshield

200 km EMU windshield

  • 产品参数
Min. S curve radius of the line: 150m
Min. curve radius (vertical) of the line is 2000m, min. curve radius (horizontal) of the line is 150m, max. line gradient 35 ‰, min. gateway width 1100mm, and 800mm at the decorative skirt
Min. gateway height & nbsp; 1950mm windshield weight 480KG (one set) fire and smoke standard meets the noise attenuation levels & nbsp; of EN 45545 R7 HL2 standard; ≥ 38 DB heat transfer coefficient ≤ 3.15 w / (m2. K) air tightness
Time from 4000Pa to 1000Pa ≥ 100s; Time from - 4000Pa to - 1000Pa ≥ 100s

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